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About Nelms

Welcome to Nelms Automotive Services. We have been in business since 2005 and have a team of automotive repair professionals that have a combined 75 years of automotive repair experience. We are very proud to be a AAA approved shop and a BBB member.

Our shop is a full automotive repair facility and we have all the modern equipment to get the job done right the first time. Please let us know if we can help with any of your automotive needs.

That includes tune-ups, new tires, alignment, engine repair, transmission repair and more.



We service all makes and models of cars and trucks and welcome Fleet vehicles. We appreciate all our customers and hope to keep you long term. Customer service is our #1 priority.

Call 770-928-0616 now to schedule your service.

Business Partners –

– Jims Auto Glass

– Daves Construction

Yakima Roofing Repair

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Vehicle Heating

Just like our bodies, the temperature is vitally essential. It de-humidifies the interior of the vehicle, it maintains safe and comforts in driving condition. The temperature under the hood needs to be maintained at the right temperature, and maintaining it may require a quick replacement of a part or could involve a complex repair.The system works by circulating from the radiator through a series of hoses, valves into the core and a fan then blows the air into the compartment. Inspecting, changing and installing a new thermostat should be done every 30,000 miles.

Most of the vehicle users disregard the air conditioning of the vehicle, yet when the system fails it is a major setback. Extreme weather will become a problem when this situation arises, this is the reason why an inspection and service of the car’s heating and air conditioning system should be done.

The thermostat and heater control valve may need a replacement but you can easily do basic maintenance by yourself, it is simple. Before doing the procedure, secure yourself a socket and screwdriver set, safety goggles, tester, clean pan, freshwater flush kit, a garden hose and an antifreeze. The following are the basic steps:

Unscrew the pressure cap on the radiator, be cautious when handling with pressure caps, and always wear safety goggles.

Test the radiator with the antifreeze tester, and evaluate whether the temperature is below the effectiveness point.

Get rid of the sediments, contaminants, and rust that has accumulated. Drain first the antifreeze by opening the petcock valve at the bottom of the radiator and place the clean pan to catch the antifreeze and shut the valve again.

T-fitting installment, insert it into the heater inlet hose and attach a hose to the radiator adapter. Screw the hose into the T-fitting, turn on the hose and the antifreeze will drain into the pan. When the water starts running clean, open the petcock valve and drain the water.

Replace the thermostat and antifreeze. This article was written by the guys at New Orleans Towing

Thanks for reading!

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Should You Get Into The Automotive Industry

Interesting video i came across this week. Wanted to share for our blog here. He makes good points if you should get into the automotive industry or not. Watch and decide for yourself. As someone who has been in the industry for many years there are points i do agree with and some i do not.

This could be informative for all our applicants to watch.

-Nelms Automotive

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Engine Repairs

To make your vehicle last longer, have the engine occasionally maintained and repaired. The engine can malfunction because of the wear and tear of its mileage, poor engine maintenance, problems with lubrication and excessive overheating. Be cautious when your “Check Engine” light is flashing, excessive smoke from the tailpipe, knocking or tapping sounds, low oil pressure, low compression, the mixture of water and oil, oil gets into the air cleaner and radiator.

If your vehicle is starting to experience these symptoms, have a full inspection. There are three different methods of repairing the engine.

Ring and valve job is the least expensive of the three methods. This method of repair is needed for an engine that has a defect in the loss of compression in its cylinders or the engine is burning oil. The method includes head removal and rebuilt, piston removal and re-ringing, cylinder walls honing and rod bearing replacement. This method only repairs the part that has defects, and leave as it is the good ones.

Second Method:

The second method is the in-house rebuild, this can fix any problem of the engine. The engine is detached from the car, the head is then rebuilt, drill the cylinders, new pistons, and timing components, deck the block and replace the rod, main bearings and freeze plugs.

The rebuilt exchange is the third and most expensive method. Everything will be repaired in the vehicle, whether it is needed or not. We recently had this issue with a regular client of ours Wenatchee Tree Services 

To prevent going thru with these expensive repairs, do a preventive maintenance. Change the oil regularly, use the appropriate oil to be used and avoid using snake oil additives. Warm up the engine before driving, if you own a turbo-charged engine cool down the engine, these methods are to allow the oil to circulate on the bearings and avoid the oil from gumming up.  

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Brake and Tune-Up Service

When your vehicle is starting to make a weird noise or it does not perform like it is used to, bring it in for a break and tune-up service. says tune-ups should be done at least every 30,000 miles or every two years.  A quality tune-up should be provided to your vehicles to avoid accidents.

How do you know if you already need a brakes repair? When a squeaking or grinding sound is heard upon coming to a stop. Brake inspection and repair is essential for safety measures, defective brakes can cause normal driving situations to worst. Brakes should be inspected every 12,000 miles or once a year. The brake linings will be inspected and assessed whether it needs a replacement and repair.

A vehicle is required for a scheduled maintenance at some intervals by the mileage the vehicle has taken. Every break tune-up service, the needs of your car will be addressed. A diagnostic work is needed to inspect and evaluate the peak performance or issues of your vehicle.  

A typical tune-up comprises the following services:

Fuel filter replacement. Filters should be replaced, the clogged particles inside the filter can decrease the efficiency and power of the car.

Plug wires inspection and spark plug replacement. Wires and plugs should be replaced to avoid mileage inefficiency, loss of power and rough start-ups.

Distributor cap and rotor replacement.

Ignition system and timing inspection. Some vehicles depend on the ignition timing.

Valve adjustment is needed, inspect gaskets for oil leakage and replace them.

Inspection of belts for wear and tear.

Inspect all fluids and top off any levels.

Oil and filter replacement.

Air filter inspection and replacement.

Clutch inspection and adjustment for vehicles with manual transmission.

Service battery inspection.

Clean cables, distilled water addition, and clean terminals.

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